from envtb.quantumcapacitance import electrostatics, quantumcapacitance
import numpy
def PeriodicGraphenePatchWithGrapheneSidegatesSiO2Rectangle(
breite, hoehe, temperature, graphenepos, graphenebreite=None,
Default potential for backgate + Graphene parts is 0V. If you want it
differently, set it later using the returned references.
if (graphenebreite is None):
graphenebreite = breite
if (sidegatebreite is None):
sidegatebreite = 0
sio2 = 3.9
gridsize = 1e-9
lapl = electrostatics.Laplacian2D2ndOrderWithMaterials(gridsize, gridsize)
periodicrect = electrostatics.Rectangle(hoehe, breite, 1., lapl)
for y in range(breite):
periodicrect[0, y].neumannbc = (0, 'xf')
backgateelements = [periodicrect[hoehe-1, y] for y in range(breite)]
for element in backgateelements:
element.potential = 0
grapheneelements = [periodicrect[graphenepos, y] for y in range(
(breite-graphenebreite)/2, (breite+graphenebreite)/2)]
Ef_dependence_function = quantumcapacitance.BulkGrapheneWithTemperature(
temperature, gridsize).Ef_interp
for element in grapheneelements:
element.potential = 0
element.fermi_energy = 0
element.fermi_energy_charge_dependence = Ef_dependence_function
graphenesidegateelementsleft = [periodicrect[graphenepos, y]
for y in range(sidegatebreite)]
graphenesidegateelementsright = [periodicrect[
graphenepos, y] for y in range(breite-sidegatebreite, breite)]
for element in graphenesidegateelementsleft+graphenesidegateelementsright:
element.potential = 0
element.fermi_energy_charge_dependence = Ef_dependence_function
for x in range(graphenepos, hoehe):
for y in range(breite):
periodicrect[x, y].epsilon = sio2
return periodicrect, lapl, grapheneelements, graphenesidegateelementsleft,\
graphenesidegateelementsright, backgateelements
def QuantumCapacitanceVoltageSweep(
qcsolver, container, charge_operator,
solver, voltages, voltage_elements, charge_elements):
# all elements whose charge shall be saved are in charge_elements,
# i.e. graphene, sidegate etc.
charges = []
for v in voltages:
print v
for elem in voltage_elements:
elem.potential = v
# periodicrect[hoehe-1,y].fermi_energy=v #not needed!?
# print "env"
# print "qcsolve"
qcsolution = qcsolver.solve()
# print "inhom"
inhom = container.createinhomogeneity()
# print "solve"
sol = solver(inhom)
charges.append(container.charge(sol, charge_operator, charge_elements))
return numpy.array(charges)
def QuantumCapacityOfGraphene2DModelWithSidegates(
hoehe, breite, graphenepos,
graphenebreite, vstart, vend, dv, graphenesidegatebreite=None,
vsidegate=[(0, 0)], graphenesidegate_behavior='metal'):
# breite=400
# hoehe=600
temperature = 300
# graphenepos=hoehe/2-1
my_gridsize = 1e-9
print "prepare system"
periodicrect, lapl, grapheneelements, graphenesidegateelementsleft, \
graphenesidegateelementsright, backgateelements = \
breite, hoehe, temperature, graphenepos, graphenebreite,
percont = electrostatics.PeriodicContainer(periodicrect, 'y')
print "solve system"
solver, inhomogeneity = percont.lu_solver()
print "init qc"
# elem1d=[periodicrect[graphenepos,y] for y in
# range(breite)]#+[periodicrect[0,0]]
if graphenesidegate_behavior == 'metal':
qcsolver = quantumcapacitance.QuantumCapacitanceSolver(
percont, solver, grapheneelements, lapl)
if graphenesidegate_behavior == 'graphene':
qcsolver = quantumcapacitance.QuantumCapacitanceSolver(
percont, solver, grapheneelements+graphenesidegateelementsright +
graphenesidegateelementsleft, lapl)
voltages = numpy.arange(vstart, vend, dv)
print "basisvecs"
capacitance_list = []
for vleftsidegate, vrightsidegate in vsidegate:
for elem in graphenesidegateelementsleft:
elem.potential = vleftsidegate
elem.fermi_energy = vleftsidegate
for elem in graphenesidegateelementsright:
elem.potential = vrightsidegate
elem.fermi_energy = vrightsidegate
print "loop " + str(vrightsidegate)
charges = QuantumCapacitanceVoltageSweep(
qcsolver, percont, lapl, solver, voltages,
backgateelements, grapheneelements)
print "end"
totalcharge = numpy.array([sum(x) for x in charges])
capacitance2 = (totalcharge[2:]-totalcharge[:-2]) / \
return voltages[1:-1], capacitance_list
[docs]def LoopQuantumCapacitanceWithSidegatesFixedSystem(
sidegatevoltages, graphenesidegate_behavior='metal'):
The function calculates the quantum capacitance of a GNR, embedded in the
following system:
* height: 600nm
* width: 400nm
* gridsize: 1nm
* GNR + sidegate vertical position: 300nm
* GNR horizontal position: centered
* GNR width: 80nm
* distance sidegate-GNR: 30nm
* backgate position: bottom
* material between backgate + GNR/sidegates: SiO2, \epsilon=3.9
* left/right boundary condition: periodic
* top BC: neumann, slope=0
The backgate voltage is varied from -60V to 60V in 0.5V.
sidegatevoltages: A list of side gate voltages which will be calculated
symmetrically and asymetrically.
graphenesidegate_behaviour: can have the values 'metal' and 'graphene',
the sidegates will behave accordingly.
voltages: the voltages where
the charge was calculated.
parameters: list of graphene
widths and sidegate voltages
capacitancequantumlist: list of
capacitancequantumlist = []
voltages = None
parameters = []
for graphenebreite in (80,):
print "===Breite " + str(graphenebreite) + "======"
hoehe = 600
breite = 400
# graphenebreite=10
grapheneposreal = 300
graphenepos = -grapheneposreal-1
vstart = -60
vend = 60
dv = 0.5
graphenesgabstand = 30
sidegatebreite = (breite-2*graphenesgabstand-graphenebreite)/2
vsidegate = [(sidegatevoltage, sidegatevoltage*sidegatesign)
for sidegatevoltage in sidegatevoltages
for sidegatesign in (1, -1)]
# print sidegatebreite
voltages, capacitancequantum = \
hoehe, breite, hoehe+graphenepos, graphenebreite, vstart,
vend, dv, sidegatebreite, vsidegate, graphenesidegate_behavior)
parameters.append((graphenebreite, vsidegate))
return voltages, parameters, capacitancequantumlist
def CalcSidegateSaveToFile(sidegatevoltage, graphenesidegate_behavior='metal'):
voltages, parameters, capacitancequantumlist = \
(sidegatevoltage,), graphenesidegate_behavior)
numpy.savetxt("qc"+str(sidegatevoltage)+".txt", capacitancequantumlist[0])