Source code for envtb.simple

from envtb.vasp import eigenval
from envtb.vasp import procar
from envtb.wannier90 import w90hamiltonian
import numpy
from envtb.quantumcapacitance import electrostatics, quantumcapacitance
from matplotlib import pyplot
This file contains functions for often used procedures.
They can also be considered as use cases.

It's also recommended to use them as starting point for your own
functions: type ?? after the function name and press enter,
then you can copy, directly modify and execute the code.

def plot_vasp_bandstructure(eigenval_filename, plot_filename, output='save'):
    Plot the bandstructure contained in a VASP EIGENVAL file.
    The output format is determined by the file ending of

    output: determines if the plot is written to a file ('save' - default
    value) or displayed ('show')

    eigenvaldata = eigenval.EigenvalData(eigenval_filename)
    kpoints = eigenvaldata.kpoints()
    energies = eigenvaldata.energies()
    plotter = w90hamiltonian.BandstructurePlot()
    plotter.plot(kpoints, energies)
    if output == 'save':
    if output == 'show':

def plot_vasp_and_wannier90_bandstructure(eigenval_filename,
                                          plot_filename, usedorbitals='all',
    Plot the bandstructure contained in a VASP EIGENVAL file and
    a wannier90_hr.dat file.

    usedorbitals: a list of used orbitals to use. Default is 'all'. Note:
    this only makes sense if the selected orbitals don't interact with
    other orbitals.

    usedhoppingcells_rings: If you don't want to use all hopping parameters,
    you can set the number of 'rings' surrounding the main cell here.
    If it is a list (e.g. range(5)), several plots are created.
    The default value is 'all'.

    output: determines if the plot is written to a file ('save' -
    default value) or displayed ('show')

    # TODO: "ring" is a stupid word

    eigenvaldata = eigenval.EigenvalData(eigenval_filename)
    vasp_kpoints = eigenvaldata.kpoints()
    vasp_energies = eigenvaldata.energies()

    w90ham = w90hamiltonian.Hamiltonian(wannier90hr_filename, poscar_filename)

    # When usedhoppingcells_rings is not a list: create a list with 1 element
    if not isinstance(usedhoppingcells_rings, list):
        usedhoppingcells_rings = [usedhoppingcells_rings]

    for ring in usedhoppingcells_rings:
        if ring == 'all':
            cells = 'all'
            cells = w90ham.unitcells_within_zone(ring, 'd', numpy.inf)

        w90_energies = w90ham.bandstructure_data(vasp_kpoints, 'd',
        plotter = w90hamiltonian.BandstructurePlot()

        plotter.plot(vasp_kpoints, vasp_energies, 'r-')
        plotter.plot(vasp_kpoints, w90_energies, 'b--')
        if output == 'save':
            # TODO: dateiname abschneiden, nicht vorstellen
        if output == 'show':

def TopPzBandNrAtGamma(procar_filename, gnrwidth_rings, pzoffset=0):
    Reads a VASP PROCAR file from a zigzag GNR calculation and determines
    the highest \pi* band at the Gamma point (the first point in the PROCAR
    file, actually) that is relevant for the wannier90 calculation.

    procar_filename: path to the PROCAR file.
    gnrwidth_rings: number of benzene rings in transverse direction.
    pzoffset (optional): if there are other pz-character bands at the
    gamma point below the \pi* points, the function counts wrong. This
    value is a manual correction for this problem: It assumes that
    pzoffset more pz-like bands are below the highest
    \pi*-band at the gamma point.


    highestgoodpzband: Band number of the highest pz band at the Gamma point.
    energyatgammaofhighestgoodpzband: Energy of this band at the Gamma point.

    procarData = procar.ProcarData(procar_filename)

    chargedata = procarData.chargedata()
    energydata = procarData.energydata()

    # Nr of carbon atoms in a GNR of that width
    nrofpzbands = gnrwidth_rings*2+2
    # Charge data at Gamma point
    gammapointdata = chargedata[0]
    # Sum the pz charge for a particular band at the gamma point over all
    # ions. Do that for all bands.
    gammapointpzdata = \
        [sum([ion[2] for ion in band]) for band in gammapointdata]
    # Select band indices where there is pz charge at gamma
    selectpzbands = \
        [i for i in range(len(gammapointpzdata)) if gammapointpzdata[i] > 0.]
    # Get band index of highest pz band at gamma point (index starting with 0,
    # like always)
    highestgoodpzband = selectpzbands[nrofpzbands-1+pzoffset]
    # Energy of that band at gamma point
    energyatgammaofhighestgoodpzband = energydata[0][highestgoodpzband]

    return highestgoodpzband, energyatgammaofhighestgoodpzband

[docs]def plot_zigzag_graphene_nanoribbon_pz_bandstructure( wannier90hr_graphene, poscarfile, wannier90woutfile, outcarfile, width, output=None, usedhoppingcells_rings='all'): """ Plot the \pi bandstructure of a zigzag graphene nanoribbon based on a wannier90 calculation of bulk graphene. The \pz orbitals have to be the first two orbitals in the wannier90 file. A .dat file with the bandstructure data is also saved as output.dat (each line representing one k-point). wannier90hr_graphene: path to the wannier90_hr.dat file containing the graphene bulk calculation poscarfile: path to the VASP POSCAR file of the graphene bulk calculation outcarfile: path to the VASP OUTCAR file width: width of the ribbon (number of rings). output: path to the output image file. If None, nothing will be saved. Default is None. usedhoppingcells_rings: If you don't want to use all hopping parameters, you can set the number of 'rings' surrounding the main cell here. If it is a list (e.g. range(5)), several plots are created. The default value is 'all'. Return: Hamiltonian: the generated GNR Hamiltonian. data: bandstructure data. path: path through reciprocal space. """ if width % 2 == 0: unitcells = width/2+1 get_rid_of = 1 else: unitcells = width/2+2 get_rid_of = 3 # When usedhoppingcells_rings is not a list: create a list with 1 element if not isinstance(usedhoppingcells_rings, list): usedhoppingcells_rings = [usedhoppingcells_rings] ham = w90hamiltonian.Hamiltonian.from_file( wannier90hr_graphene, poscarfile, wannier90woutfile, outcarfile) for ring in usedhoppingcells_rings: if ring == 'all': cells = 'all' else: cells = ham.unitcells_within_zone(ring, 'd', numpy.inf) ham2 = ham.create_supercell_hamiltonian( [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]], [[1, -1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], usedorbitals=(0, 1), usedhoppingcells=cells) ham3 = ham2.create_supercell_hamiltonian( [[0, i, 0] for i in range(unitcells)], [[1, 0, 0], [0, unitcells, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) ham4 = ham3.create_modified_hamiltonian( ham3.drop_dimension_from_cell_list(1), usedorbitals=range(1, ham3.nrorbitals()-get_rid_of)) path = ham4.point_path([[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0, 0]], 100) if output is not None: ham4.plot_bandstructure(path, str(ring)+"_"+output, 'd') numpy.savetxt(str(ring)+"_"+output+'.dat', numpy.real( data), fmt="%12.6G") data = ham4.bandstructure_data( path, 'd') # data is calculated twice, that's kind of stupid return ham4, data, path
[docs]def plot_armchair_graphene_nanoribbon_pz_bandstructure( wannier90hr_graphene, poscarfile, wannier90woutfile, width, output, usedhoppingcells_rings='all'): """ Plot the \pi bandstructure of an armchair graphene nanoribbon based on a wannier90 calculation of bulk graphene. The \pz orbitals have to be the first two orbitals in the wannier90 file. In this example function, width is the number of rings in transversal direction. A .dat file with the bandstructure data is also saved as output.dat (each line representing one k-point). wannier90hr_graphene: path to the wannier90_hr.dat file containing the graphene bulk calculation poscarfile: path to the VASP POSCAR file of the graphene bulk calculation width: width of the ribbon (number of rings). Must be an even number. output: path to the output image file. usedhoppingcells_rings: If you don't want to use all hopping parameters, you can set the number of 'rings' surrounding the main cell here. If it is a list (e.g. range(5)), several plots are created. The default value is 'all'. """ unitcells = width # When usedhoppingcells_rings is not a list: create a list with 1 element if not isinstance(usedhoppingcells_rings, list): usedhoppingcells_rings = [usedhoppingcells_rings] ham = w90hamiltonian.Hamiltonian.from_file( wannier90hr_graphene, poscarfile, wannier90woutfile) for ring in usedhoppingcells_rings: if ring == 'all': cells = 'all' else: cells = ham.unitcells_within_zone(ring, 'd', numpy.inf) ham2 = ham.create_supercell_hamiltonian( [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]], [[1, -1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], usedorbitals=(0, 1), usedhoppingcells=cells) ham3 = ham2.create_supercell_hamiltonian( [[i, 0, 0] for i in range(unitcells)], [[unitcells, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) ham4 = ham3.create_modified_hamiltonian( ham3.drop_dimension_from_cell_list(0)) path = ham4.point_path([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0.5, 0]], 100) ham4.plot_bandstructure(path, str(ring)+"_"+output, 'd') data = ham4.bandstructure_data(path, 'd') numpy.savetxt(str(ring)+"_"+output+'.dat', numpy.real( data), fmt="%12.6G")
[docs]def plot_zigzag_graphene_nanoribbon_pz_bandstructure_nn( nnfile, width, output, length, magnetic_B=None): """ Plot the \pi bandstructure of a zigzag graphene nanoribbon based on a n-th nearest neighbour parameterization of bulk graphene. A .dat file with the bandstructure data is also saved as output.dat (each line representing one k-point). nnfile: path to the nearest-neighbour input file (see example files) width: width of the ribbon (number of rings). output: path to the output image file. length: length in x-direction of the returned (not the bandstructure plot!) unit cell (in rings) Return: Hamiltonian of the unit cell with given length """ if width % 2 == 0: unitcells = width/2+1 get_rid_of = 1 else: unitcells = width/2+2 get_rid_of = 3 ham = w90hamiltonian.Hamiltonian.from_nth_nn_list(nnfile) ham2 = ham.create_supercell_hamiltonian( [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]], [[1, -1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) ham3 = ham2.create_supercell_hamiltonian( [[0, i, 0] for i in range(unitcells)], [[1, 0, 0], [0, unitcells, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) ham4 = ham3.create_modified_hamiltonian( ham3.drop_dimension_from_cell_list(1), usedorbitals=range(1, ham3.nrorbitals()-get_rid_of), magnetic_B=magnetic_B) path = ham4.point_path([[-0.5, 0, 0], [0.5, 0, 0]], 100) ham4.plot_bandstructure(path, output, 'd') ham5 = ham4.create_supercell_hamiltonian([[i, 0, 0] for i in range( length)], [[length, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) # data=ham4.bandstructure_data(path, 'd') # numpy.savetxt(output+'.dat', numpy.real(data), fmt="%12.6G") return ham5
[docs]def plot_armchair_graphene_nanoribbon_pz_bandstructure_nn( nnfile, width, output, magnetic_B=None): """ Plot the \pi bandstructure of an armchair graphene nanoribbon based on a n-th nearest neighbour parameterization of bulk graphene. In this example function, width is the number of rings in transversal direction. A .dat file with the bandstructure data is also saved as output.dat (each line representing one k-point). nnfile: path to the nearest-neighbour input file (see example files) width: width of the ribbon (number of rings). Must be an even number. output: path to the output image file. """ unitcells = width ham = w90hamiltonian.Hamiltonian.from_nth_nn_list(nnfile) ham2 = ham.create_supercell_hamiltonian( [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]], [[1, -1, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) ham3 = ham2.create_supercell_hamiltonian( [[i, 0, 0] for i in range(unitcells)], [[unitcells, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) ham4 = ham3.create_modified_hamiltonian( ham3.drop_dimension_from_cell_list(0), magnetic_B=magnetic_B, gauge_B='landau_y') path = ham4.point_path([[0, -0.5, 0], [0, 0.5, 0]], 100) ham4.plot_bandstructure(path, output, 'd') data = ham4.bandstructure_data(path, 'd') numpy.savetxt(output+'.dat', numpy.real(data), fmt="%12.6G")
[docs]def PlotGraphenenthNNBandstructure(nnfile, outfile): """ Plot bandstructure of Graphene along the default hexagonal path. nnfile: path to the nearest neighbour parameter file, e.g. /path/to/envtb/exampledata/02_graphene_3rdnn/graphene3rdnnlist.dat outfile: plot image output path, e.g. /tmp/bandstructure.png """ ham = w90hamiltonian.Hamiltonian.from_nth_nn_list(nnfile) path = ham.standard_paths('hexagonal', 100)[2] ham.plot_bandstructure(path, outfile, 'd')
[docs]def PlotGrapheneWannierBandstructure( wannier90hr_graphene, poscarfile, wannier90woutfile, outfile): """ Plot bandstructure of Graphene along the default hexagonal path from Wannier90 data. You can use the files in /path/to/envtb/exampledata/01_graphene_vasp_wannier90 wannier90hr_graphene: path to the wannier90_hr.dat file containing the graphene bulk calculation poscarfile: path to the VASP POSCAR file of the graphene bulk calculation wannier90woutfile: path to the wannier90.wout file output: path to the output image file. """ ham = w90hamiltonian.Hamiltonian.from_file( wannier90hr_graphene, poscarfile, wannier90woutfile) path = ham.standard_paths('hexagonal', 100)[2] ham.plot_bandstructure(path, outfile, 'd')
[docs]def SimpleElectrostaticProblem(): """ Calculates the electrostatic potential of a 1D stripe of 1nm width and 30 nm height with a gridsize of 1 nm. At 11 nm, the potential is fixed to 8V. Boundary conditions: * left, right: Periodic boundary conditions (using PeriodicContainer). * top: Neumann boundary condition, slope=1e18 * bottom: Dirichlet boundary condition, potential=0 (default boundary condition) """ breite = 1 hoehe = 30 gridsize = 1e-9 lapl = electrostatics.Laplacian2D2ndOrderWithMaterials(gridsize, gridsize) rect = electrostatics.Rectangle(hoehe, breite, 1., lapl) rect[hoehe-1, 0].neumannbc = (1e18, 'xb') rect[10, 0].potential = 8 rect[0, 0].neumannbc = (0, 'xf') cont = electrostatics.PeriodicContainer(rect, 'y') solver, inhomogeneity = cont.lu_solver() sol = solver(inhomogeneity) pyplot.plot(sol) print sol
[docs]def PotentialOfGluedRectangles2D(): """ Two rectangles with capacitor plates, glued together with Container. There are four capacitor plates. The boundary conditions are the default BC. The relative position of the two rectangles to each other is given by the parameters position and offset of the connect() function (see documentation). """ lapl = electrostatics.Laplacian2D2ndOrder(1, 1) breite = 400 hoehe = 200 graphene_breite = 350 abstand = 20 rechteck = electrostatics.Rectangle(hoehe, breite, 1., lapl) rechteck2 = electrostatics.Rectangle(300, 300, 1, lapl) for x in range((breite-graphene_breite)/2, (breite+graphene_breite)/2): rechteck[hoehe/2+5, x].potential = 5 rechteck[hoehe/2-5, x].potential = -5 for x in range(breite): for y in range(hoehe/2-5, hoehe/2+5): rechteck[y, x].epsilon = 1. for x in range(100, 200): rechteck2[x, 200].potential = 5 for x in range(150, 250): rechteck2[x, 250].potential = 5 container = electrostatics.Container((rechteck, rechteck2)) container.connect( rechteck, rechteck2, align='left', position='top', offset=(0, 150)) solver, inhomogeneity = container.lu_solver() sol = solver(inhomogeneity) pyplot.imshow(container.vector_to_datamatrix(sol)[0])
[docs]def PotentialOfSimpleConductor2D(): """ Rectangle with 5V conducting plate at the bottom. Boundary conditions: * Left, right, top: default boundary condition 0V * bottom: Dirichlet BC, 5V """ lapl = electrostatics.Laplacian2D2ndOrderWithMaterials(1e-9, 1e-9) breite = 400 hoehe = 600 rechteck = electrostatics.Rectangle(hoehe, breite, 1., lapl) for x in range(breite): rechteck[hoehe-1, x].potential = 5 for x in range(breite): for y in range(hoehe/2, hoehe): rechteck[y, x].epsilon = 1. container = electrostatics.Container((rechteck,)) solver, inhomogeneity = container.lu_solver() sol = solver(inhomogeneity) pyplot.imshow(container.vector_to_datamatrix(sol)[0])
[docs]def GrapheneQuantumCapacitance(equation='potential'): """ Calculate the quantum capacitance of Graphene on SiO2, including temperature. equation: 'charge' or 'potential', see documentation of QuantumCapacitanceSolver. Boundary conditions: * left, right: periodic BC * top: Neumann BC, slope=0 * bottom: backgate capacitor plate Please read the code comments for further documentation. Return: voltages: The voltages where the capacitance is calculated (x values) capacitance: the quantum capacitance (y(x) values) """ # Set system parameters gridsize = 1e-9 hoehe = 600 breite = 1 backgatevoltage = 0 graphenepos = 299 temperature = 300 sio2 = 3.9 vstart = -60 vend = 60 dv = 0.5 # Finite difference operator lapl = electrostatics.Laplacian2D2ndOrderWithMaterials(gridsize, gridsize) # Create Rectangle periodicrect = electrostatics.Rectangle(hoehe, breite, 1., lapl) # Set boundary condition at the top for y in range(breite): periodicrect[0, y].neumannbc = (0, 'xf') # Create list of backgate and GNR elements backgateelements = [periodicrect[hoehe-1, y] for y in range(breite)] grapheneelements = [periodicrect[graphenepos, y] for y in range(breite)] # Set initial backgate element boundary condition (not necessary) for element in backgateelements: element.potential = backgatevoltage # Create D(E,T) function. Ef_dependence_function = quantumcapacitance.BulkGrapheneWithTemperature( temperature, gridsize).Ef_interp Ef_dependence_function_2 = quantumcapacitance.BulkGrapheneWithTemperature( temperature, gridsize, interpolation=False).Q # Set electrochemical potential and D(E,T) for the GNR elements for element in grapheneelements: element.potential = 0 element.fermi_energy = 0 element.fermi_energy_charge_dependence = Ef_dependence_function element.charge_fermi_energy_dependence = Ef_dependence_function_2 # Set dielectric material for x in range(graphenepos, hoehe): for y in range(breite): periodicrect[x, y].epsilon = sio2 # Create periodic container percont = electrostatics.PeriodicContainer(periodicrect, 'y') # Invert discretization matrix solver, inhomogeneity = percont.lu_solver() # Create QuantumCapacitanceSolver object. # Depending on equation, either fermi_energy_charge_dependence or # charge_fermi_energy_dependence will be used. # You don't have to set the other one. qcsolver = quantumcapacitance.QuantumCapacitanceSolver( percont, solver, grapheneelements, lapl, equation=equation) # Refresh basisvectors for calculation. Necessary once at the beginning. qcsolver.refresh_basisvecs() # Create volgate list voltages = numpy.arange(vstart, vend, dv) charges = [] # Loop over voltages for v in voltages: # print v # Set backgate elements to voltage for elem in backgateelements: elem.potential = v # Check change of environment qcsolver.refresh_environment_contrib() # Solve quantum capacitance problem & set potential property of # elements qcsolution = qcsolver.solve() # Create new inhomogeneity because potential has changed inhom = percont.createinhomogeneity() # Solve system with new inhomogeneity sol = solver(inhom) # Save the charge configuration in the GNR charges.append(percont.charge(sol, lapl, grapheneelements)) # Sum over charge and take derivative = capacitance totalcharge = numpy.array([sum(x) for x in charges]) capacitance = (totalcharge[2:]-totalcharge[ :-2])/len(grapheneelements)*gridsize/(2*dv) # Plot result ax = pyplot.gca() ax.set_title('Quantum capacitance of Graphene on SiO2') ax.set_xlabel('Backgate voltage [V]') ax.set_ylabel('GNR capacitance [$10^{-6} F/m^2$]') pyplot.plot(voltages[1:-1], 1e6*capacitance) return voltages[1:-1], capacitance